Code Provisions
The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative maintains that breast milk substitutes, including infant formula, discourages mothers from exclusively breastfeeding their newborn. The International Code of Marketing of Breast-Milk Substitutes, adopted by the World Health Organization in 1981, recommends restrictions on marketing bottles, teats and formulas. Provisions of this code prevent hospitals and birthing centers such as Corona Regional Medical Center from accepting free or low-cost formula from suppliers, providing free samples to mothers or their families, or advertising breast milk substitutes.
Other provisions include:
- No advertising of breast milk substitutes to families
- No free samples or supplies in the healthcare system
- No promotion of products through healthcare facilities, including no free or low-cost formula
- No contact between marketing personnel and mothers
- No gifts or personal samples to health workers
- No words or pictures idealizing artificial feeding, including pictures of infants, on the labels or product
- Information to health workers should be scientific and factual only
- All information on artificial feeding, including labels, should explain the benefits of breastfeeding and the costs and hazards associated with artificial feeding
- Unsuitable products should not be promoted for babies
- All products should be of high quality and take account of the climate and storage conditions of the country where they are used