Adult and Student Volunteer Programs

Corona Regional Medical Center offers a wide variety of volunteer opportunities through two volunteer programs: Adult and Student. Volunteers provide non-clinical support to the staff of the hospital. Duties include, but are not limited to: escorting guest, running errands, assisting patients (non-clinical), assisting staff with special projects and serving in the Gift Shop.

Adult Volunteers Serving the Main Campus

Applications for adult volunteers, 18 years and older, are accepted on an ongoing basis and can be obtained at the Concierge Desk in the hospital's Main Lobby.

Concierge Desk Hours:

  • 6:30 a.m. – 8:30 p.m. Monday through Friday
  • 7:00 a.m. – 8:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday

If you would like more information about our Adult Volunteer Program, please call 951-736-6296.

Student Volunteers

Training is held in June for high school students who are 16 years old and are enrolled in the Corona/Norco Unified School District. The first step is for the student to come into the Main Hospital lobby and fill out an interest form, which is available for signups each year from January through March. Application packets are then mailed during the last week of April to each student who submitted his or her name to our interest list. The first 20 students who complete and return the application will be accepted to the program. Mandatory training is required for acceptance into the Student Volunteer Program.

Please note: Students do not have to reapply each year. Students who have successfully completed the program will remain enrolled by completing annual updates for tuberculosis screens and continuing education, specific to hospital updates. Students will be transferred to the Adult Volunteer Program on their 18th birthday. If you would like more information about our Student Volunteer Program, please call 951-736-6296.

General Information

Requirements for volunteering at Corona Regional Medical Center:

  • A one year volunteer commitment is required. The Volunteer Program is not recommended for someone who is seeking employment or looking for an internship or externship, as volunteer hours will not fulfill this requirement.
  • All volunteers must have tuberculosis testing (please note: Two negative screens are required. The hospital does incur the cost for tuberculosis testing).
  • Criminal Background checks - Once accepted to the program, the hospital does incur the cost for processing. Anyone who has received one or more convictions for a misdemeanor or felony will not be eligible to participate in the Volunteer Program.
  • Student Volunteers must meet the criteria and fulfill all specified requirements, including mandatory attendance to all scheduled meetings and trainings prior to being officially enrolled into the program.

More Information on Volunteering

If you or someone you know would like to become a Corona Regional Medical Center volunteer, please call 951-736-6279. We are always looking for helping hands.