Atrial Fibrillation – What You Need to Know

CRMC patient Dan Perkins

An arrhythmia is an irregular heart rhythm, and there are several different types. Atrial Fibrillation, also known as AFib, is the most common and affects approximately 3 million Americans according to the American Heart Association®. It can lead to blood clots, stroke, heart failure and other heart-related complications. Cardiologist Babak Yasmeh, M.D., who is board certified in clinical cardiac electrophysiology and cardiovascular disease, explains this common condition, the symptoms and treatments.

What is atrial fibrillation?

AFib starts as an irregular and rapid heart rhythm in the upper chambers of the heart. A normal resting heart rate doesn’t exceed 100 beats per minute; however, with AFib, the rate of impulse or heartbeats can range from 100 to 175 beats per minute. The rhythm change may begin slowly, but can become stronger and more constant as time goes on. AFib doesn’t always have symptoms, and many people don’t know they have it. But some of the symptoms may include:

• Feeling faint

• Shortness of breath

• Extreme fatigue

• Chest pain

• Heart palpitations

How is AFib diagnosed?

AFib is usually diagnosed through a physical exam, a review of the patient’s medical history, and diagnostic tests. The primary test for diagnosing AFib is an ECG, which records the electrical activity of the heart. In some cases, additional tests, such as an echocardiogram (ultrasound of the heart) or a Holter monitor (a portable ECG), may be used to gather more information.

How is AFib treated?

AFib is a manageable condition, and there are many treatment options available to help control the symptoms and reduce the risks. The focus is to control the heart rate and rhythm, preventing blood clots, and reducing the risk of stroke. Medications like beta-blockers or calcium channel blockers may be used to control heart rate, while anticoagulants (blood thinners) help prevent clot formation. In some cases, doctors may recommend procedures like cardioversion, where an electrical shock is delivered to restore normal rhythm, or ablation therapy, which involves destroying the tissue causing the irregular electrical signals. Lifestyle changes, such as maintaining a healthy diet, exercising, and managing stress, are also crucial in managing AFib.

What complications can arise if AFib is left untreated?

If AFib is left untreated, it can lead to serious complications. The most significant risk is stroke, as the irregular heartbeats can cause blood to pool in the atria, potentially forming clots that can travel to the brain. Other complications include heart failure, as the heart’s ability to pump blood efficiently is compromised, and in some cases, a long-term irregular rhythm can cause the heart to weaken over time.